branding / production / illustrator

falansai ginger hot sauce

Branding for Falansai’s cult Ginger Hot Sauce, created during my co-op at Polonsky & Friends. Using pre-existing brand guidelines, I drafted a series of labels featuring commissioned artwork by Naomi Otsu.

client / Falansai
studio / Polonsky & Friends
artwork / Naomi Otsu
photo / Giada Paolini


Below are the labels I designed within the brand identity guidelines. I focused on experimenting with contrast, shapes, sizing of the illustration, and how the label would work with the clear bottle filled up with sauce.

The client chose the 7th design, and I prepared print materials and production guide for the client to order the labels to be used on their hot sauce bottles.

have a gorgeous day ︎
last updated 2/23/24 ︎